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Link to article: Spring 2024 K-12 Bus Evacuation Drills

May 10, 2024

Spring 2024 K-12 Bus Evacuation Drills

  On Friday, May 10th, Lamoni students (K-12) participated in bus evacuation drills. These drills are held twice a year to remind students of expected bus behavior and give them a chance to practice emergency bus procedures, such as radio operation and locating/utilizing alternative exits.    A HUGE THANK YOU to the bus drivers who helped us out with this… Stacy Jones,  Dylan Lame & Jon Hampton!!

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Paraprofessionals

Nov 16, 2020


Paraprofessionals                         Dakota Buttrey, PreK Paraprofessional        Emma Coulthard, Elementary Paraprofessional        Kristina Gerke, PreK Paraprofessional         Kim Lillienthal, MS/HS Paraprofessional          Elizabeth Martinez, Elementary Paraprofessional . . .

Link to article: Red Ribbon Week

Oct 28, 2020

Red Ribbon Week

On Monday, November 26th, Lamoni Elementary students and teachers took time out of class to tie red ribbons on the elementary playground fence to show their support of healthy choices.  This year's Red Ribbon theme is Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free.  Teachers will be talking with students this week about  staying drug free and how they can shape the community we live in through positivity, bravery and strength.

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