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Gayle Ramaeker

Science Teacher, Senior Class Sponsor, and Curriculum Specialist

Gayle Ramaeker image

Hello, I am Mrs. Ramaeker, the 9-12 Science teacher here at Lamoni High School.  This is my 10th year with Lamoni Community School District.  I graduated from Creston High School in 1999.  I graduated from UNI with a degree in Biology in 2003.  After graduating from UNI, I worked in Creston at SWCC as a transfer specialist for two years.  I then moved to Pella with my husband and worked at the hospital as a Cardiac Technologist.  After my husband and I moved to the Leon area, I decided to finish my Chemistry degree and get my teaching endorsements from Graceland University.  I graduated from Graceland in 2008 and then started teaching here at Lamoni Community Schools that fall.

Along with my teaching duties, I also work with fellow teachers as the Curriculum Specialist this year.

My husband and I have three children: Andrew (7), Grace (4), and Emily (2).  Other than family, I love swimming, football, and other sports.




Phone: (641) 784-3351 Email: Gayle Ramaeker Lamoni High School
202 N Walnut Lamoni Iowa 50140