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MS Student Council Elected

Middle School Student Council was elected last Thursday and has many council veterans, but plenty of new people. The council officers are Allyson (President), Haelyn (VP), Lilly (Secretary), and Ava (Treasurer).  The 8th grade representatives are Kirra, Justin, and Lizzy. 7th grade is represented by Naliyah, Macie, and Natalie. 6th grade selected Nora, Tyson, and Madison to represent their interests. The responsibilities of the MS Student Council are to plan MS events, help with Homecoming, and provide feedback to teachers and staff on various activities. The group held their first meeting on Friday and the first order of business was planning a Middle School Fun Night. These are events where student get to play games, watch a movie, or do various crafts. The hope of the council is to hold an event once a month for the academic year. We cannot wait to see what this group can accomplish this year.

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